Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One Year Ago I Met My Mama, Papa and Mimi

It's already been a year since I met my parents and sister. A year ago today on May 8th here in Canada and May 9th in Shanghai China, I was, according to my mama, the most wonderful mother's day gift. I cried the minute I was place in my Mama's arm but she held me tight and quietly sang me songs rocking me back and forth. I eventually stopped crying and held onto her and fell into an exhausted sleep. When I woke I was still in my mama's arms and I decided that I was not going to let her go. Still today I enjoy being in my mama's arm....I guess you can call me a mama's boy!! Since you already saw pictures of me last summer, here are some updated photos of me and my family from autumn, winter and spring.
Okay where do I sign up for the Habs training Camp
AUTUMN...Training for hockey, playing in leaves, dressing up like my sister at halloween, me and my papa with a moustach and my Welcome to Canada party at Mama's work.
So much fun messing up the piles Mama has raked!
Spider Mimi and Spider Jacob!

Papa what is that on your face??

Mimi and I at my Welcome to Canada Party

One of my cool gifts and a great neck warmer

I love my Tuque!!
WINTER....Wow so much snow. It took me while to understand why I had to wear all these cloths to go outside. I would cry when my mom put my mitts on and I would cry when I took them off and touched the snow. I eventually got accustomed to being bundled up. I also learned who says "hohoho" and tasted chocolate fondue!!
My First time in a Canadian snow storm!!

Who needs fruits!!

Now can we eat our work of art?
My parents had me doing all type of sports this winter. I loved skiing and would tell my mama "go go go". I went sliding with Mimi and learned how to skate on our backyard rink.  I celebrated my first Christmas, I cheered for the Habs and I celebrated for the first time Chinese New Years in Canada!
Call me a Crazy Canuck!

Lets Go!

Mimi showing Jacob all the moves!

Look what Santa brought us!

Christmas with cousin Megan

I love playing with Mimi's things
True Hab Fans!
Happy Chinese New Years!!
SPRING IS HERE....Spring brought all sorts of new adventures for me. It was my first time at the Cabane a Sucre...MMMMM... Yummy. My first time celebrating St.Patricks day... everyone is Irish on March 17th. Baking muffins, eating mangos and much much more.
Yummy Tire sur la neige!

Kiss us we are Irish!

Look Mommy we are ready to start baking!

I love Papa's mangos

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

WOW it's already Fall...what happen to June, July and August

What a great summer I had with my family! It's already fall and my parents have not updated my blog since back in the beginning of June. So here are some pictures of what I did this summer!
The summer started well with my sister, Mimi and my mama hanging out together during the week. We spent many mornings in our PJs.

I loved our visit to Georgian Bay to spend time with my future godparents, Mattie, Ben and Ella. The beach was great and I had a lot of fun hanging out with the boys!!

At the cottage you have to rinse feet in a bucket of water but I thought it made a great bath!

I went fishing up at uncle Bill's but I was not impressed with the wiggly things you have to put on a hook to catch the fish. I preferred to throw rocks in the water and watch Mimi catch the fish!

I went camping for the first time this summer with Uncle Bill and Megan! It was great to sleep outside and I hope that our neighbors did not mind my 5 am wake up call. Thank goodness for everyone around us my mama was able to convince me to go back to sleep until 6:30am but it was not easy with all the birds telling me to WAKE UP!

Mimi and I had a great time at the Ecomuseum and I got to see all sorts of funny looking animals but unfortunately my Mama would not let me climb the fences or walls nor let me stick my fingers in the cages!!

I spent many hours in our pool in the backyard.

I think I would make a good drunken sailor!

Up at Uncle Bill's Papa introduced me to one of the best desserts ever...Smores!! own juice box

I am a strong boy to be able to push my sister around

This is my Mama

I am not sure how this hat fits!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Swimming pools, backyard fun and eating with my sister

I have been really busy recently and this past week I went swimming for the first time in mami and papi's pool.  Initially  I was not too sure if I liked it but as I continued to splash and kick the water I realized it was like being in a great big bathtub. I am also happy to have received this stylish TYR swim outfit from one of the moms at Amélie's preschool to keep protected from the sun and warm in the cold water.
I am liking this hanging out by the pool and cannot wait to start my swim lessons this summer at a pool near our house. Watch out here comes the "budha torpedo".

I am discovering all types of toys in my backyard. My favorite is my red car. I can now get in and out on my own but I still have not yet perfected how to move it with my my sister and mom push me around the backyard and this makes me laugh!

Mealtime is great especially when fed by my sister. She shares my food and lets me use my spoon to feed myself. My favorite is prunes with a mix of vanilla yogurt!

I'll keep you posted of all the other new things I discover this summer!!
Jacob Huifan XXXX

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5 Days Back Home

Since we arrived home last Friday morning at 1am, we have been enjoying some quiet time as a family. We are gradually getting accustomed to the time change. We are no longer getting to bed at 4am and waking at 1pm, reminiscent of my university years!!  We seem to spend a lot of time in our PJs and we are learning a lot about the new member of our family. Firstly, we did not adequately baby proof our home. Compared to Amélie, he is a lot more busy investigating our home and if it is not bolted to the floor or locked shut, Jacob will find a way to open, empty or throw... he is a REAL BOY!!

Papa hanging with Amélie and Jacob

Very yummy fruits covered with chocolate, thank you Leggett Family

Morning or is it afternoon....a little dazed and confused!

Another Habs Fan and yes these locks are not baby proof!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Retour au bercail Home Sweet Home

Chers amis,

Nous sommes finalement de retour à la maison avec un sérieux décalage horaire. Nous avons été accueili par Nana (Pauline, la mère de Sonya) et Brian, le parrain d'Amélie. Ce fut une grande et chaleureuse surprise de les voir à cette heure aussi tardive. Nous nous sommes finalement couchés vers 4AM ce matin et avons réussi à dormir jusqu'à 11AM. Jacob est en pleine forme et découvre rapidement son nouveau chez-lui. Nous réalisons rapidement qu'il y a encore quelques ajustements à faire pour la sécurité accrue de Jacob dans la maison. Nous afficherons des photos plus tard. Je vais aussi établir un lien avec nos photos sur le web éventuellement.

Jacob derrière la barrière menant au sous-sol...

Nous avons passé un excellente escale à Toronto en compagnie de Carolyne et Garo (la marraine et parrain de Jacob) et leurs enfants Matthy, Ben et Ella ainsi que la mère de Carolyne, Mme Bayly. J'ai même attrapé une période de hockey entre les Bruins et Tampa Bay. Je retrouve nos affaires à la maison et ceci fait un bien énorme. 16 jours en Chine c'est plaisant mais assez!! Le gazon est très long et les pissenlits sont radieux!!

À bientôt!!

Martin, Sonya, Amélie & Jacob xxx

Dearest Friends

We are finally back home with a severe jet lag. We were warmly welcomed by Nana (Pauline, Sonys'a mom) and Brian (Amélie's god father). We hit the sack around 4AM and were able to sleep until 11AM this morning. Jacob is in great shape and is quickly discovering his new home. Our baby-proofing job is not quite there yet but it's coming. We will post pictures shortly of our homecoming and will likely post our pictures on the web once sorted out.

Happy camper!!
We also met up with Carolyne and Garo (Jacob's god parents) accompanied by Matthy, Ben and Ella as well as Mrs Bayly. I even caught a period of hockey between the Bruins and Tampa Bay in Toronto. It's finally great to be back home in our things; 16 days in China is great but greater to be home. Our grass is quite longs and load of dandelions happy to be growing...

So long!!

Martin, Sonya, Amélie and Jacob xxx

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Forbidden City... Emperor and Empress

At the North Entrance of the Forbidden city where the Emperor would keep his concubines...

Amazing roofs!!

Two trees in one that comes together to reinforce each others just like bonds within a family!

Some stone sculpture

And scary handle

For Prosperity and longevity!

Long lasting... a dragon head with a turtle body... symbolic!

At the exit of Tienanmen square with the family!!

Our two families - the Latour and Mailhot-Lessard